made a big box in the middle of this page! it's me yapping about. me. decided what the buttons at the top are going to be, put in the little scroll thing at the bottom, & i mostly finished the sampson page!

HELLO!!!! this is a very early version of my little site, cider space :^)
i'm your host, cider! i'm super new to this whole thing but i'm having a lot of fun so far!! i made this site because i kind of really hate the current online experience. neocities has such a neat little community with so many cool people & i figured i'd try to join in on the fun & make my own website. this is my first time coding basically anything so it's kind of a mess right now & very unfinished so please bear with me as i'm still learning! basically, i talk a lot & so i thought it'd be cool to make a space for me to yap as much as i want, even if not that many people see it. i'm having a lot of fun with it so far & i hope you enjoy your stay :^)


how is cider doing these days?

(as of 8/8/24)


i'd like to think that i'm a pretty interesting person, but then when i try to describe myself i have a hard time thinking of what to say! as said before, my name is cider i'm transmasc but i don't really think of myself as a Boy as much as just a Guy. if that makes any sense. he/they/it & all sorts of other stuff i'm 16 (birthday is feb 29, yes really), mostly just a computer wearing a skin suit.
i'm undiagnosed but show nearly every sign of autism, & my special interests are twenty one pilots, lemon demon, miracle musical/tally hall, deltarune, the portal games, robots, old tech, & right now the biggest one is chipspeech. that's where my name commes from as i am quite literally cidertalk'84 in the flesh. like actually like i'm not even kidding at all. it sounds like kind of a lot of stuff when i list it out but I JUST LIKE A LOT OF STUFF!!!! joy & whimsy & all that.

anyways, getting back on track, i also play instruments! i like music a lot, it's a huuuge passion of mine. i mainly play guitar, but for my birthday this year i got a keytar & her name is synthia the synthisizer & i love her more than life itself. speaking of, i'm objectum! exclusively! i am not attracted to humans at all LOL i love robots in the sense that they're a special interest of mine but also because i think. they are hot. in fact, i'd like to go to college for robotics, or at least computer engineering. but yeah, that's basically the summary of cider.